The riotous documentary I AM COMIC follows Ritch Shydner, a retired comedian who decides to return t...
The riotous documentary I AM COMIC follows Ritch Shydner, a retired comedian who decides to return to the stage after a 13-year absence. In the ’80s, Shydner enjoyed HBO specials and frequent late-night appearances, but will today’s audiences still care about his comedy? Through unprecedented backstage access and candid interviews with some of America’s best-loved stand-ups (fr... (展开全部) The riotous documentary I AM COMIC follows Ritch Shydner, a retired comedian who decides to return to the stage after a 13-year absence. In the ’80s, Shydner enjoyed HBO specials and frequent late-night appearances, but will today’s audiences still care about his comedy? Through unprecedented backstage access and candid interviews with some of America’s best-loved stand-ups (from Sarah Silverman to Louis CK to Margaret Cho to Jim Gaffigan), I AM COMIC explores why performers choose to enter — and stay in — this funny profession.