The Lying Game follows long-lost twin Emma and Sutton. Separated under mysterious circumstances, Sut...
The Lying Game follows long-lost twin Emma and Sutton. Separated under mysterious circumstances, Sutton was adopted... by the wealthy Mercer family in Phoenix, while Emma grew up in the foster system. When the twin reunite as teenager, they keep it a secret. While Sutton goes in search of the truth, Emma takes over her life and discover more secrets and lies than she could have imagined. It's a season of secrets, seduction and life-and-death stakes as the twin continue to expose the skeleton in their family closet. Emma and Ethan's love is stronger than ever, but their relationhip is tested by questionable motives and accusation. With Sutton's disappearance, Emma and Ethan don't know whether Sutton is missing or dead. Meanwhile, Char's aunt Annie has returned to town after many year, bringing back old memories and secrets that Alec and Ted would like to keep in the past