story inspired by true with economic cases . Josh , played by Ben Stiller , is a dedicated luxury bu...
story inspired by true with economic cases . Josh , played by Ben Stiller , is a dedicated luxury building manager . Two decades, he has been doing our best to lead the other hand staff to ensure that the residents of the building is safe and comfortable life . The top floor apartment occupied by a billionaire Arthur , we all trust him , even brought out their own pension to him to do investment . Suddenly one day, Arthur was the police from their homes and arrested on charges he stole $ 2 billion of capital from investors , including, of course Josh and others pension . The angry people decided to retaliate, they want to rob Arthur's penthouse , to take back their own pensions . However , the entire building has been police control , and Josh , who is a lifetime never been in breaking the law , not to mention the robbery . To be sure , Josh the liar Slade from prison on bail out , let him teach the robbery , and to plan the crime can not be achieved . The face of the building of their own work for many years , Josh and his friends finally made up my mind to go back to their own money , but the process is not the same as they imagine .