" director" of the word is the title of the pursuit by many filmmakers , living in an unnamed town i...
" director" of the word is the title of the pursuit by many filmmakers , living in an unnamed town in Wisconsin马克布察特the more his life dream . The film is directed by Chris Smith , record marks the intention to complete a terrorist video to complete the dream of movie , sent the whole family , friends and family as actors , coupled with his credit card and Bill uncle to lend him 3000 yuan ; piece faithfully record marks on the insistence of film and his personal problems - including alcoholism , gambling and family discord - the audience can learn about the marks around the characters : dear mom , senior citizens, 80 - year - old uncle and Mark Lord of actor friends . This is a about a person's ambition , and obsessed with the pursuit of personal ideals of the "American dream" , and his faithful documentary .