The play tells the story of a hidden behind the story of aspiring in blockbuster. The returned to th...
The play tells the story of a hidden behind the story of aspiring in blockbuster. The returned to the treasure Jin, was long elder sister died, my fall. As a patriotic Choujia hate, treasure Jin under the guise of North County subjugation princess, heavy into the Royal Park, vowed to reverse course. Treasure Jin captured into the palace, do get new emperor appreciated, don't want romantically involved with the new emperor. The new emperor throne, seemingly a sullen indifference, but have the same feelings of treasure Jin, often salvage treasure Jin from the mire. Instead, the new emperor and empress tension between, seemingly loving special, actually built-in disturbing insider. As to his plans, treasure Jin to contact former. To Shu son Lee Nosuke, Bao Jin met Chen floor master, awarded to teach martial arts, art of war. One day, the treasure Jin Dai Shangjin yuan left Pearl Mask contact midfield ace, was sold out by a traitor fled, accident that the queen is behind it. To seek the answer, Bao Jin secret check empress, each to join the mystery. At the end of the hall duel, Bao Jin finally got his wish.