Story about Answer this / I will live where / 回答这个/我将身处何方
film took place in the beautiful Michigan Ann Arbor University , tells the story of a group of frust...
film took place in the beautiful Michigan Ann Arbor University , tells the story of a group of frustrated frustrated scholars engaged in a municipal cold Zhishijingda Championship . Played by Christopher Gorham , Paul Tarson a cold knowledge of the Wizards , quite some small and smart , but in the face of some major life choice , but always slightly idiot . In the film, he and his friends decided to join in a citywide expanded bar the cold Zhishijingda Championship . This is the biggest challenge facing in their lives so far , however, the outcome is gratifying , and they eventually won the beer , the harvest of love , out of no one with the dilemma of the scholar . But when Paul fell in love with one of his students when he was come to realize that those who seemingly minor things than he expected to matter more . This time, the face of life's major choices, what should he do about it ?