drama Cop Criminal Investigation , also known as emotional undercover film by the Hubei Police Colle...
drama Cop Criminal Investigation , also known as emotional undercover film by the Hubei Police College , Beijing Long Run universally Culture Communication Co., Ltd. of film production , plant shooting, jointly and Wenjun directed . As the first part of the emotional undercover undercover theme trilogy about a young police officer Wen Tao a honest mistake , leading to his comrades sacrifice . Harbor guilt , he took the decision to take over his comrades to act as undercover agents . Wind and rain all the way , did not think the closer the truth , the greater the risk . When he finally torn the veil of the facts , but found that the cruel truth . Family ties with France , the pros and cons , Wen Tao in the battle to mature . The play not only in Wuhan panorama shooting , but also specially selected from the Police Academy of Hubei and Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau , Zhou Ming , Tang Ling , Zhou , police officers appeared in the characters . In addition , the villain of the play the male lead by the well-known actor of the Hundred Flowers Award Chen Dawei , who while Wang Ou , just the modeling industry to switch to film and television also play to play an important role .