The story revolves around family Prem , Prem and Alexandra Gardner was sent to the airport to pick f...
The story revolves around family Prem , Prem and Alexandra Gardner was sent to the airport to pick fiancee - Pujia , Prem how will want to be marital bondage ? So less than the Pujia the excuse to deceive their families with access At this time, Alexandra Gardner escaped from wedding , came across the Prem then Pujia know Prem idea , but did not Pujia people know , so posing Pujia , was admitted to the home of Prem Houpuruimu discovered the identity of Alexandra Gardner , knowing that she is to escape from the wedding , to the family but still hide, " Pujia " Alexandra Gardner 's identity on the other side , Alexandra Gardner 's two uncles , we all want to get 2 billion rupees worth of property in Alexandra Gardner , Alexandra Gardner wanted to marry his own brother-in-law , and thus two uncle became the enemy of Alexandra Gardner uncle Sula Ji . check Delhi and find away, Prem found Alexandra Gardner , and understand the situation , over the meter on the meter , Alexandra Gardner back to the uncle there ... Prem strategy , Alexandra Kerry satisfied that the two uncle eliminate hostility, and eventually lovers and eventually became the "dependents " .