drama "Elder Brother" directed by famous comedian beam by Chuishi Ban Story " starring fires Jiantao...
drama "Elder Brother" directed by famous comedian beam by Chuishi Ban Story " starring fires Jiantao , they play the leading role , enough to ensure that the drama and delight . This known as the Chinese version of " Yin Jiro story drama focusing on the cute little people in the society . The play 's protagonist , brother , because of the outdated culture, it is difficult to find work , life and love is often a problem. Brother Lotte attitude to life , he would fight casual street vendor , where there is a simple labor , where there is his shadow . His concern for others , even if it is a hindrance than a help nor a helping hand can not continue there will be a woman because he 's cute like him , but not because of his lack style is often missed because of the inferiority of his heart , fate . Ultimately through the unremitting efforts of the brother , not only to find the cause of their own , and when ye have found true love .