Anti-Japanese War , Japan developed a series of malicious programs in an attempt to trap the anti-Ja...
Anti-Japanese War , Japan developed a series of malicious programs in an attempt to trap the anti-Japanese Chinese generals in an attempt to launch the Pacific War , and secretly looking for uranium resources in China , to prepare for the manufacture of atomic bombs . Fei Yuan infiltrate the enemy organization suspected as a traitor , he used ingenuity to prove his innocence , he joined the Chinese Communist Party , he was rescued under Ouyang Wen , A Touch of Zen , of KMT station leader Shen sword , as well as agents from the Soviet Union and the World Anti-Fascist alliance fighting side by side , the destruction of the Japanese "920 plan " , "Sea plan , and ultimately obtained 426 secret files of the Japanese to make a bomb . Ouyang Wen found in the tasks of the process of his personal life , she and her own mother , a pseudonym Meiruo Lan Japanese spies , guns and knives is relatively in the country hate the choice of the families have gone through and the feelings of kinship , she decided to choose a national cause , but was to Mei Ruolan shootings , and heroic sacrifice. Fei Yuan will end up hidden Japanese spies in the Communist Party senior Pan peace around Hua Guangqi killed there .