island holiday music producer Intouch encounter a Praejai of , the two fall in love . When the the Intouch want to Praejai with him leaving , Praejai agreed, however, Intouch has long been a fiancee called Mukrin , . Mukrin know Intouch and Praejai love to each other in every possible way damaged, you want to Praejai driven out of Intouch 's life . Then , because the working relationship between the the Intouch singer Palita contact , but do not want to Palita him at first sight , can Intouch always loved Praejai , which makes Palita very angry . Palita joint Mukrin with which to engage in destruction of last will Praejai from the ship , pushing the river . Back when everyone thought Praejai dead , Plaejai a pseudonym for Palita her revenge against those who hurt her ...