This is a unique high standard action movie . The story focus clear , distinctive character , the st...
This is a unique high standard action movie . The story focus clear , distinctive character , the story climaxes in particular martial arts design one-upmanship , called an action rigorous and entertaining works . The film 's leading man Hidemune Paul (Tony Leung Ka Fai ornaments ) with a group of his sister ( Carina Lau , Sandra Ng ) and his wife Gao Lihong all police called " a Valiant " . The story begins the wedding of Tony and high Lihong , Carina Lau put the dissatisfaction with the attitude of the sister-in-law , and subsequently developed into aunts do not , and intensified . Until Tony do to fight robbery and was shot killed on duty , aunts turn grief into strength , in conjunction with other sister showdown with the criminals . The Wong family, is a police family , parent yellow two cattle and five children serve in the police force. Huang Tsung- Paul , the eldest son , wife Gao Liping , also a senior police officer , due to official and private emotional various factors , the daughter of the Huang family dissatisfaction high , so high humiliation . A bunch of Vietnam , Aberdeen, ready to rob the world nightclub female Huang Jialing spur of the moment , so that the entire operation fails , the Vietnam earners killed Huang Tsung- Paul , blow up their coffin , the Huang family lost their loved ones , I , vanish before the mistake and more united , and finally , after a fierce battle , eventually Vietnam , Aberdeen, a clean sweep , getting rid of .....