"Hong Kong Ghostbusters" Hong Kong ATV Home black sitcoms , and broadcast to simulate three-dimensio...
"Hong Kong Ghostbusters" Hong Kong ATV Home black sitcoms , and broadcast to simulate three-dimensional effect by Chen Zhanpeng , snow , F, Nam Kwong , Amy Fan , starring . Produced for the second set after a new row array of Asian TV home-made drama . Produced at the same time as Chen Zhanpeng ATV's farewell . The story is about 40 years of history , as well as three months demolished public housing supernatural things in Kowloon a sudden, a lot of interesting . Meiqi ( snow decorated ) for a blind people , Liu Zhipeng neighbor ( Chen Zhanpeng ornaments ) have a crush on her , but its dead mother, loyal wife ( decorated) Ng Yee against ... public house with ghosts , from misunderstanding to understanding from the opposite to help each other to solve each other's difficulties with the knot , having learned to " love and tolerance , to defend the estate , oppose the demolition .