A twenty-nine year-old slacker who lives with his mom realizes his sweet set-up is threatened when s...
A twenty-nine year-old slacker who lives with his mom realizes his sweet set-up is threatened when she hear wedding bells with her self-help guru beau.
Eccentric Jeffrey Mannus is 29 year old and still lives at home with his mom, Jan. He sees no reason to alter this arrangement, but his perfect world is upended when Jan meets Mert, a motivational speaker. Mert successfully woos Jan and moves in on Jeffrey's territory, something Jeffrey will not tolerate. Jeffrey enlists the aid of an unlikely ally, an aspiring singer-songwriter, Nora, with an anti-establishment penchant and a soft spot for him. As the war between Mert and Jeffrey escalates, something unprecedented happen -- slowly, to both his own surprise and horror, Jeffrey discover his inner adult.