The actors were never told in advance what was in store for their characters. Each new episode was j...
The actors were never told in advance what was in store for their characters. Each new episode was just as much a surprise for them as it was for the viewers. 故事的背景设定在公元2257年,人类已经突破光速,开始大规模星际旅行及在太阳系附近殖民,与多个外星文明接触并有贸易联系。一天,一艘地球联邦的星际驱逐舰在探索未知星际空间的时候遇到一艘不明星船,因为误判对方意图而先敌开火。对方叫明巴利外星族(Minbari),比人类早进化发展几千年,其技术人类无法望其项背。不巧的是地球星船孤注一掷先敌开火的时候把灰色議會議長杜哈的给干掉了(那位老兄其实知道按大设计蓝图,明巴利必须与地球人联合并融合,这次到这...