from places Nottingham social worker Margaret found government to hide a secret for many years : 13 ...
from places Nottingham social worker Margaret found government to hide a secret for many years : 13 million children in welfare centers were sent to a federal state , was sent to Australia . These 4 -year-old children were told to parents deceased , to be sent to the other end of the world . Many of them in the future will be faced with the cruelty of the situation . They promised there will be orange and the sun , but in fact every day in those institutions to work very hard and live a miserable life . The
Margaret was born the bones it can not stop the momentum , in order to let the children be better off , she must rely on hard work to feed their families . In an occasional case , she began to investigate the thousands of families have lost families with children , their recourse , there is no human speak to them , let alone protect them , Margaret has become their only hope . Although the British Government and the Australian Government on the matter were feeling, but it is completely aloof attitude . No one knows how to deal with an impossible task . Margaret is almost alone , in addition to the challenges of their own professional experience , her marriage and family come to the limit , life is full of a variety of variables . In order to fight against the power of the government , she organized the thousands of families together to appeal to the community and the world's attention to this huge miscarriage of justice events . ...