Based on a Japanese folk legend that echoes the tale of Robin Hood, this ninja thriller follows the exploits of Goemon Ishikawa (Yôsuke Eguchi), who leaves his fighting clan after its chief is murdered and uses his skills as a thief to help the poor. But after learning the identity of his leader's killer - the traitorous Hideyoshi (Eiji Okuda) - Goemon sets out on a bloody path of vengeance, joined by his loyal friend, Saizo (Takao Ôsawa). 1582, the desire to dominate the world of organizations Tian Nobunaga instinct Temple was the assassination of the anti-Chen Akechi Mitsuhide. Nobunaga 's right hand man Hideyoshi raised an army to crusade against Akechi Mitsuhide, and establish the Toyotomi regime. The world war has not yet Jinmie, the idea is to obtain a temporary peace. However, the gap between the rich and the poor, troubled and difficult, and people's lives is still difficult. At this point, Grand Theft Auto Ishikawa Goemon, turned out to extraordinary skill Robin Hood, the hero of the hearts of the people. One night, Goemon in Kinokuniya the text Zuowei door in the home possession of the treasure found a box made of a southern barbarian. Pirates of the boxes out, it was found inside empty, put it away. Soon after, Goemon from Sarutobi Sasuke at the news, Ishida Mitsunari did not get the box from the Kinokuniya home sent the fog hidden possession of four search. The Goemon decided to retrieve their discarded boxes. He came to the slums, juvenile Xiaoping too happens to get the box. The witnessed Chaguan another eight - knifed the scene of the squares too mother, parents killed in the tragic scene re-took to the heart of Goemon. Tibet to find Goemon, the two started fighting, and have trained to teach them to become a of Nobunaga Ninja Army Hattori Hanzo is spying on them. Fog hidden until Tibet Ishida Mitsunari sent Tokugawa Ieyasu sent Hattori Hanzo, the brightest strong ho snatch box, hiding a big secret about the events of the assassination of Oda Nobunaga. Goemon to know the truth come alone to the city of Osaka, Chacha unexpected reunion. Nobunaga 's Azuchi Goemon who Chacha protect the wind, they love each other. Face the fate in the end Goemon, bent when the last warrior of the fog hidden reservoir , powerful continue to take away the loved ones of Goemon Hideyoshi, Yusha of Hideyoshi cross wins world Ishida Mitsunari, in order to the end of the war while the heartless to make choices Chacha, planning a new era of Tokugawa Ieyasu and abdominal Hanzo, love and hate, ambition of competing in the World War II kicked off ...