adaptation of Hideo Yamamoto , comic books, the story takes place in Shinjuku Kabukicho , a deformed...
adaptation of Hideo Yamamoto , comic books, the story takes place in Shinjuku Kabukicho , a deformed gangster legend , or a The killer of legend . Film gang brutal exception , designed to kill the gang 's mysterious Ichi The Killer Ichi The Killer " the film version is even more brutal . Violence on the results of the storm is not difficult to imagine would be like . Filled the screen on the screen , are Causing loss of lives , are the plasma , are hard to bear to look at one of the badly mutilated . The manufacture of these situations the characters is even more bizarre, the protagonists are mostly stressed, and even some mental disorder , sadistic and Exploited same them as the greatest pleasure in life . The most striking scene is in negotiations with the ship ghost , constant presence of people cut off their own small half tongue . Even the men said he would beat his Uncle , no feelings of violence inside you , then open his "Xuepentaikou " , Uncle hand "killer , a film version of hit the fist bite a pulpy , Takashi Miike into a violent themes , movies have become the tools of the violence , even to the so - called aesthetic of violence for packaging , it is difficult to cover up the lack of pale and passion . The thick smell of blood diluted director exquisite compositions bring pleasure, director of fun seems to be built on the suffering of the audience ; character portrayed understatement , but then the land lying dead in a soft spot for , no matter how helpless dead also fail to make a vivid story . Sex - perverted sexual relations or sadomasochistic obsession themes can be seen as a Japanese culture fouling due to the repression of traditional culture on the Japanese men , abnormal sexual relationship they have tasted the thrill of a breakthrough . this can also be seen as a Japanese contemporary social hierarchical power structure rebel .