This drama about the Seventh National People's Congress , a few little unique perspective to the his...
This drama about the Seventh National People's Congress , a few little unique perspective to the historical background of heavy the Xiaoxiang Huangfu Ren now the party in the history of that great and glorious historical moment . Several hero of this drama are a time when the youth of the young people, the story happened to them and their fate is closely linked with "The Greatest " held . Among them , was when a representative of the "Seven " , was " seven " of the Preparatory Office of the Secretariat staff , the Eighth Route Army 's Special Detachment Captains shoulder a Road through the enemy blockade , cover all the important leadership of the anti-Japanese base areas and the "Seven representatives of the safe arrival of the heavy responsibility of Yan'an . Puppet and the Kuomintang spies attempt to undermine the "Seven " battle of wits , they selflessly gave their youth and enthusiasm , and some people even as " seven " successful opening gave his young lives.