After their fake funeral, hosted by father Victor, the sister magically assume permanent new appeara...
After their fake funeral, hosted by father Victor, the sister magically assume permanent new appearances, hoping for normal, carefree lives, but the ploy also discontinues Phoebe and Piper's career and relationhips. Paige has neither, but her white lighter half can't be turned off, so she must respond to danger incurred by an overconfident witch, none other than Billie Jenkin. Agent Keyes suspects the sister aren't dead and pretends to have abandoned their case, in fact leaving agent Murphy to observe the house discreetly. Hell has been decapitated, but demon Paul Hass poses as a real estate agent to attend the funeral, wanting the house as a magical power base, and assembles a group of follower, hoping Victor won't be a match while Wyatt is asleep.