This story revolves around Malhar Gopaldas Agnihotri, a out-of-work actor, poor, and dependent on hi...
This story revolves around Malhar Gopaldas Agnihotri, a out-of-work actor, poor, and dependent on his father, who is heading for retirement. Malhar knows that he can act, very well indeed, all he needs is some encouragement, and some money. He gets neither. His father is abusive, and even gets physical with him openly in front of all the neighor, and even the neighborhood. Malhar loves a young lady named Apoorva Choudhury, but his affection are mis-applied, as Apoorva only regards him as a friend, and she loves Nihal Joshi, a Police Inpector. Frustrated at the lack of love and encouragement, Malhar takes recoure in an exercise, an exerise that will put him in direct confrontation with the law, as it starts with murder.