The live action series "Samurai Gourmet," based on Masayuki Kusumi's essay and the manga of the same title, featuring the life of Takeshi Kasumi. Takeshi Kasumi has spent his entire life devoted to his job. Now a retired man, he finds himself with plenty of extra time on his hands. While on an afternoon walk, Kasumi discover the joys of day time drinking and the realization that he is now free to eat and drink what he wants, when he wants. This awaken his inner perona - a wandering samurai living life freely in Japan's age of civil war. Thus begin his search for blissfully delectable delights to satisfy his stomach and the samurai's soul. A retired man's tales of adventure in twelve episodes, including "Lunch Time Beer at a Diner," "The Devilish Madame," "A Croquette for the Heart" and "Wanderer's Italian Lunch."
Kasumi Takeshi has just retired and is quietly getting into his second
life. He never had the luxury of a beer during the day on a weekday
during his 35 years as a salaryman. But in that instant Kasumi gets
acquainted with the taste of that one glass and eating alone. This is
the start of his battle with eating by himself. It is an unexpectedly
high hurdle for Kasumi to cross and one that he keeps fretting over.