After spending his firt night in his new home, Max, along with new siblings Tess, Anika, Sal and Dan...
After spending his firt night in his new home, Max, along with new siblings Tess, Anika, Sal and Daniel wake up to find their foster parents, Erik and Kate have vanished. In order to crack the case, the siblings set out on a quest for clues, leading them on an epic and suspeneful family adventure, including boat racing through canals, exploring secret tunnels and uncovering lost treasures. With obstacles at every turn, they must also fight off old family rivals and duplicitous heir in order to solve the mystery. Hunter Street star Stony Blyden as street-smart Max; MaeMae Renfrow as the independent and resourceful sister Tess; Kyra Smith as the free-spirited youngest Hunter sister Anika; Daan Creyghton as Sal, the genius of the bunch; and Thomas Janen as the fiercely protective eldest brother Daniel.