The film tells the story of five friends reunited in 90s born years after graduation, to go to schoo...
The film tells the story of five friends reunited in 90s born years after graduation, to go to school when the memory, in the pursuit of life that the most sunny day. Sunny road, head of the house of Lu loyalty, warm male Mo Du Shu, hardcore game player Hao Yang, the goddess of summer. However, in the age of the students five good friends because of a huge misfortune, five in the big sister Gong Lu four other unidentified chained and thrown into prison, began to have doubts and difficulties of the old friend, from the five part company each going his own way. Until many years later a mysterious message will be four together again, embarked on a search for the house of Lu's journey, the road to regain youthful memories, when the truth of the case also surfaced......