The film tells the story of Chen Zhengwei (Micheal Tao ornaments) headed by Chen Hongkong group face...
The film tells the story of Chen Zhengwei (Micheal Tao ornaments) headed by Chen Hongkong group faces the successor election time, high hopes for Chen Haoyu (Min Ho ornaments) but at this time into Xian rentiao group Ling Feng (Liang Zhengjia) and Xin Yun (Zhang Gui Ling has been decorated); wind and cloud Xin humiliation make strong self-respect Xavier and want revenge, he found a small bar veteran (Wang Yifei ornaments), let her help yourself. Framed, pornography, laughter have become the event of mine, triggered at any moment. In the cloud to succeed Xavier Xin, the real behind slowly, all people are the fight in pieces