Traditionally, romantic comedies work hard to create "meet cute" situation where the featured couple...
Traditionally, romantic comedies work hard to create "meet cute" situation where the featured couple firt come together. Here Maggie Cheung and Roy Cheung "meet cute" when he, as a triad gangster, keeps her, as an inurance sales agent, from completing a sale to a hapless fellow who may not last long enough to make his firt monthly payment. Maggie, however, does not appreciate Roy's interference; to placate her, he offer to buy a policy. In short order he is attacked by rivals and ends up, somewhat implausibly, in Maggie's care. The script by Chau Ting (later a co-writer of The Storm Rider and three Young and Dangerous films) tosses logic out the window, but fan of Maggie will no doubt enjoy her performance. Veronice Yip has a small yet indelible role as a friend of Maggie, and Michael Wong has a brief cameo.