This film is based on the adaptation of Disney's animated film, "Mulan", and added the original of t...
This film is based on the adaptation of Disney's animated film, "Mulan", and added the original of the cast to educate the children on their families, friends and the motherland. Synopsis: the Northern Wei Dynasty, a hearty personality, the kind-hearted nature of the good girl, called the name "Mulan", Mulan enlightened parents teach regret, has been looking forward to their home with flowers to glory. But in the northern Xiongnu who, when countries are aggressively recruiting, Mulan's elderly father has also been called up on the battlefield, sad Mulan afraid his father would return to, they took advantage of midnight posing as men, and stole his father's armor, instead of his father on to the battlefield. After the army, Mulan relying on perseverance and patience insist their own, through a lot of hard training and test, the army has become an indispensable general. In the north to fight, Mulan with a strong will to spend with the family to the glory of faith, and finally assist the Imperial Army repulsed the invading Huns, defeated the huns. The emperor because her credit is big, that she had the ability to force in the court, some official appointment. However, Mulan, because the family has refused to take care of his father, request the emperor can let oneself to return home, and compensation...