Xu Qianming (Wang Leshi) is a small company staff, inadvertently witnessed the murder due by the pol...
Xu Qianming (Wang Leshi) is a small company staff, inadvertently witnessed the murder due by the police investigation, Xu thousand timid character did not identify the murderer. However, shortly after the murder suspect Huang Sheng (Xiao Yangshi) has moved into the neighborhood and Xu 1000, thereafter, will continuously occur in strange Xu thousand body. Retired police officers and police captain Lu new police captain Zhuo Lin (Bei Xiaoxiong ornaments) also traced to this case, with further investigation, the clue is pointing to a different direction. Xu thousand wife died Restroom in a small hotel, Huang Sheng was buried alive in the countryside, and Xu thousand in the closet hidden in the body of a woman, the case in the end who is a sudden turn for the worse The path winds along mountain ridges., neighbor killer......