"City of Angel" is a hot issue in Taiwan in 2000 of the film, the film directed by Hou Yongcai, Xu Y...
"City of Angel" is a hot issue in Taiwan in 2000 of the film, the film directed by Hou Yongcai, Xu Yanjun, Wu, Eileen Tung, Zhu Yongtang, Chen Baiyu Guanyi, starring Miki Lee. At the end of the 20th century, a group of girls who had no tomorrow would be dissatisfied with the society. They could not be separated from fighting or drug taking all day long, but none of them could bring them happiness. A female reporter in Hongkong in order to complete the interview went through the dark side of the society, the size of the bar, even to Taiwan ximending to find a new theme, but was a hot feeling behind...