The film tells a story about the youth growing up from the campus to the society. Wang Xiaoyuan, Liu...
The film tells a story about the youth growing up from the campus to the society. Wang Xiaoyuan, Liu and Su Jie grew up together. In high school they gradually understand the silly love. Wang Xiaoyuan and Liu are both in love with the school beauty Jiang Xiaoying, and Su Jie is silently pay for the Wang Xiaoyuan. They indulged his fearless youth. The two fight was expelled outside and entangled Jiang Xiaoying ruffians. From two Gebendongxi, two years after Liu Yishou because the house demolition made a fortune, and Wang Xiaoyuan regained the young friendship. They inadvertently encounter Jiang Xiaoying adult and childhood feelings again, but is not the Jiang high school immaculate campus Belle but only mercenary woman. She followed Liu for the money, and he had to put his money as. Wang Xiaoyuan Liu hand brother. When Liu hand is about to slide into the edge of crime, and Wang Xiaoyuan had made a vow to let him finally awaken. They decided to work hard for the future.