Story about Ren Medical Concluded / JIN-仁2 / 仁者俠醫 第2期 / 仁医完结篇
passage of time , crossing the South benevolence to the Tokugawa Shogunate during the Edo period for...
passage of time , crossing the South benevolence to the Tokugawa Shogunate during the Edo period for almost two years . One day , concerned about the orange smile ( Aya Seto away ornaments ) the status quo of benevolence visit had its laugh home , laughing brother Orange Christine Taro ( small a benefit referred ornaments ) learned to laugh mother Wing ( Ma raw woo not decorated ) got beriberi . Laugh back home for fear of the glorious body , according to Christine Taro said , a few days ago , and advised the mother to accept the doctor. However, Wing has yet to forgive the laugh of the dissolution of marriage , not allowed to step into the orange door is , and will laugh , and driven back . In any case want to help Rong Ren , because we know that Rong loved sweets, and do some special snacks you want to treat her beriberi , but ...