The first part: "second": "the dagger stabbed" third: "fourth:" the dead "killed" called fifth: "love death" sixth: "rivers and lakes" seventh: "hero" eighth: "flower knife robbery" famous in the world of knowledge, we express the ambition of rivers and lakes. No one asked The Strip corpse burst, the dark and rain unknown. Just four words, tick in the popular hero of the chivalrous heart is lonely, helpless...... In the history of our country, this kind of swordsman, Ranger by Wu Yi Hangxiazhangyi who make a living away from home, have appeared in the official and unofficial or anecdotal novels, they represent contemporary heroes, as people plead, police punishing evil. They come from every class, each have their own unique background, some of them can through the ages, some with history and be forgotten, but they do have a certain degree of shock at the time. We call this a kind of offbeat people The Legendary Swordsman for road passenger and swordsman". With their own skills and wander, the surface is uninhibited, heroic, but behind them, as described in the novel that is not worldly and drink spirits, cut a dragon head, thousands of melancholy to the wind so nobly "since ancient times...
第一部:《匕首》 第二部:《伤刺》 第三部:《怒斩》 第四部:《死召》 第五部:《情灭》 第六部:《江湖》 第七部:《英雄》 第八部:《花劫》 一刀扬名天下知,仗剑江湖抒大志。尸暴长街无人问,苦雨凄雨无人知。短短四句,勾出了在大众心目中的英雄侠客内心的孤寂,无奈……在我国历史中,剑客、游侠这类凭武艺闯荡江湖,行侠仗义的人物都曾出现在正史、野史或坊间小说中,他们代表了当代的英雄,为人民请命,警恶惩奸。他们来自每一阶层,每人有自己独特的背景,他们有些人能名留千古,有些则随历史的洪流而被人遗忘,但他们所干的事,却在当时产生了某一程度的震撼。我们现称这一群四海为家,笑傲江湖的另类人士为“路客与刀客”。他们凭着自己的技艺,流浪四处,表面是潇洒不羁,豪气干云,然而他们的背后,是否如小说中描述的那么不吃人间烟火,喝一口烈酒,斩一头蛟龙,万千情愁随风去那么磊落“自古...