This show is set in the year 1927. Lord Meldrum is a wealthy widower and he own a rubber factory. He...
This show is set in the year 1927. Lord Meldrum is a wealthy widower and he own a rubber factory. He lives with his brother Teddy, mother in law Lady Lavender and two daughter, Poppy and Cissy. Meldrum is having an affair with Lady Agatha, wife of his rival Sir Ralph. He is trying to peruade Teddy to marry a socialite Madge Cartwright, but Teddy fancies servant girls more than the upper class ladies so he's reluctant to marry Madge. Poppy is a flapper who often flirts with the servant James. She's very different from her sister Cissy - in appearance as well as in attitude. Cissy fancies women more than men, she wear male clothes and is a member of the worker movement and a worker political party. Lady Lavender is extravagant, she own a parrot and likes to throw food at servants. The servants live downtair and they conist of Mr. Lipton, the cook; James, a stuck up and snobbish servant; Henry, the youngest servant who usually gets kicked behind the ear by James or Mr. Lipton...