The movie "Purgatory" is the story of Wang Shouye and Li to serve two aspiring young people to fight...
The movie "Purgatory" is the story of Wang Shouye and Li to serve two aspiring young people to fight the story. In the movie, Wang Shouye's hard work career suffered setbacks, the occasional love spirit in purgatory vanish like soap bubbles, suffering. Recall the life is like an empty dream, the betrayal of his girlfriend, the businessman presumptuous, a boss's cunning, scene of debauchery covers so much bitterness, destruction and evil, and endless selfish ideas and personal considerations. "People in purgatory, the slightest mistake will fall into the hell." In the story, Wang Shouye in the face of Zhong Kui, Li Baoguo's help, put down the knife, and put a cheating girlfriend a way to complete the human self salvation; but his girlfriend and lover soul destruction to complete salvation conscience Dutch act. "The film to be expressed is that people should be what kind of attitude towards life?