Summertime hits Chicago, igniting celebration, events, and new friendships that make memories for ev...
Summertime hits Chicago, igniting celebration, events, and new friendships that make memories for every young adult. For a young Boystown couple, however, these memories seem best forgotten. Kurt and Paul, two young Boystown locals, have been together for two year. Life is vibrant, tranquil and simple as Kurt makes a living dealing pot and Paul is employed at the local grocery store. At a party one night, Kurt and Paul's relationhip begin to unknowingly unravel when Kurt meets Kevin, a dashing and exciting young man. Kurt initially resists Kevin's advances, but soon gives in as he starts dealing Kevin weed. Kurt is overrun with temptation and eventually becomes self-destructive as his lustful urges get the better of him. In a fit of impulse, Kurt breaks up with Paul, sending Paul into a downward cycle of emptiness and pain. Kurt drown himself in a lifestyle of partying, drugs and promiscuous sex, hoping to find the "spark" he firt felt when he fell in love with Paul, but he ...