The film is directed by Han Chengjun across the genre film, the film starring Su Xingqiao, Ma Muxuan...
The film is directed by Han Chengjun across the genre film, the film starring Su Xingqiao, Ma Muxuan. Thousands of years ago, the moment of execution knife falls, a seemingly unjust case is a foregone conclusion. How this day vision, female rogue into the millennium after the parallel world. After thousands of years, a tour called kylin (Su Xingqiao ornaments) and Taoist network writer, but he another unknown identity is to read one of the past and present. In a coincidental, he stood out and resolve that dispute for thousands of years. Staggered time and space transform, so he did not think that the enemy had pulled out of the thousands of years of their love. To love him to die, since the two thousand years.