The play tells the story of a childhood parents divorced high Zhenzhen, accidentally encountered the...
The play tells the story of a childhood parents divorced high Zhenzhen, accidentally encountered the rich second generation Qiao Junhao, two people from conflicting slowly become acquainted story. High Barbara young parents divorced, his mother grew up in her mother remarried, living with his stepfather and sister. Really high originally to life is full of romantic fantasy, but my parents both died unexpectedly, suddenly her life happened to turn the world upside down changes. In the face of changes in life, really sad after finishing mood, decided to assume the responsibility of taking care of the family, a family sharing weal and woe. In the most difficult time really, she met Qiao Minhao, two people slowly began to know from the conflict. In the process of taking care of the family, really understand what is called true love and responsibility. Finally, Barbara unremitting self-improvement efforts, touched many people, so that they get help and love one family. At the same time, Mama Ya decided to take this love out, return to the society, and she has grown into a strong independent play girl.