The sequel is filled with 'Cheetah-style' adventure, drama and humor. The escapade begin when Galleria enter the group in a Barcelona music festival, and the spirited fourome (escorted by Galleria's protective mom Dorothea and Chanel's mother Juanita) embarks on a journey of a lifetime. But things get way more complicated once the four best friends arrive in España: they meet Marisol, a talented solo singer and her manager/mother Lola, who unknown to the Cheetahs, may lead their group to break up; they are shown the sights by Joaquin, a handsome young tango dancer who falls for Dorinda; the fashion bug bites aspiring designer Aquanette; Chanel question the future of her mother and Luc's relationhip; Galleria begin to lose faith in the Cheetah Credo; and the Cheetahs' dream of becoming star may be dashed forever when they are informed they've broken a stringent festival rule.