Detective Christine made them Xi and beautiful woman assistant Murong naughty sneaked into the ghast...
Detective Christine made them Xi and beautiful woman assistant Murong naughty sneaked into the ghastly Centennial house shortage, found is tracking the two thieves left two piles of clothes shop on the ground. Sophisticated warning Zhang Tongtian gong xi made them quickly fled the terror haunted house, before breaking into the grave robbers has been underground fox ghost devouring... A hundred years ago, thieves big Luo Tao to ascertain the underground in possession of a Southern Dynasties tomb, hence to built the house to deceive the public, Daodong infiltrate tomb, haven't come...... Roche sons dug Daodong, surprised to see the hole drilled a beautiful princess, immorality and his son in a vain attempt to rape princess, princess suddenly as a ghostly bride, attracted a Miemen Massacre... Gong xi made them survived, and in the vision to across the hundred years of horror mystery......