resistance in snimanju films is worth praise the creator of the running characteristics of young probija, creator of the finest years indicate that the still has a passion for what i do the way he shows he's still fresh and živahan. tvrdoglavost in snimanju films and almost pathetic characteristics for young netalentovanu neznalicu for sredovečnog smarača for old man who don't know when it's time to go to penziju. i can konstatujem with insulting to takeshi miike with his last film, very close to the patetičnom scene vrednom insulting.
and that's too bad for two reasons. first, because it is very good zanatlija and takashi miike and author who has an idea, and i actually really worth poduzetan type. his žanrovske intervention is something what i'm looking forward to what keeps me watch even when it is clear to him that a movie just odrađuje. i love that his „mash up ', i love the diversity of his movies and i like what it cost him to love, or is he just a man who stays with the idea...
the second reason is that he has a perfectly good polazište yakuza apocalypse. it is the witness of inside and outside of klanskom - klanskom - war japanese mobster who, well, not only private people of blood and flesh, but some of them are even vampires, but there are other monster sitting. the movie is even good and easy izlaže situation, krijući natprirodnu komponentu long enough that it comes as a surprise, as we podastire other bizarnosti. say about the code of the poštuje where in one, but in other breach. like some tetoviraju, others not. some are bold, others not. but there are some protect civilians, zatvorene s posture in the basement in the course štrikanja...
the main „bossa "kamiuru (frankie) otkrivamo that vampire run when he is žrtvom zavere clan and clan in the van, and the van... normal. it is carried out the guy who talks to engleskom, dressed in „halloween "costume sveštenika and his helper, who looks like štreber (star borilačkih films garretha evans, yayan ruhian), or not before that, what kamiura your power is transferred to his omiljenog pomoćnika kagayamu (ichihara). this, of course, openings to war between listed and that their razmnožavaju vampire yakuza. in that war, su, however, i bizarnija monsters from rigid: a antropomorfno sa's beak that kills the stench and nekakva žabolika mascot.
if you know, that's trash, you're right. there is nothing miike suptilan, it seems even more serious, although the beginning perhaps suggests his counseling, video production, and a memory for his nostalgic placed in it. once in a moment, shvatimo, murder, some varieties actually seems like apocalypse movie, return not. no problem what is trash, as long as keep coming, the rhythm and pace, and as long as it communicates with publikom grew from two autorovih buddy. the problem is when the trash nekoherentan when working nabacano and zbrda - zdola, lenjo and nepromišljeno.
i don't like to feel a dumb when watching the movie because of i didn't like that guy. i don't like it when i'm away whatever thread film closely. i don't like it when i feel like that was pulling me. but the least of all when the film like material has a 90 minute lasts over 120. i'm sorry, takashi, dear you, or you zabrljao. i hope your next movie will be better osmišljen. maybe my friends will navučeni on „japanizam "find something to enjoy in this movie, or i didn't make it.