This is a drama adaptation based on AKB group producer Akimoto Yasushi's short story collection "Adrenalin no Yoru" with an original story. There will be 40 members starring in the drama, including Takahashi Minami, Kashiwagi Yuki, Sashihara Rino, Matsui Jurina, and Yamamoto Sayaka. This drama will also serve as an acting audition in which viewers can vote for their favorite actresses. The winner will land a lead role in TV Asahi's upcoming 2016 fall drama series.
"AKB Horror Night Adrenalin no Yoru" will have a total of 20 episodes. In addition, Video Pass will air 20 additional episodes exclusive to online viewers. There will also be a final episode showing highlights from all 40 episodes and announcing the winner of the audition.