The story revolves around the destinies of the four heroes. Fu Fangsi and Litang, Xiang Nan Cheng and Yin Haoran, the beautiful and romantic memories, eventually lost to the personality conflicts with the reality of differences. Years after a gorgeous fashion show, the fate let them meet again. Fang close to their dream of design, Litang is again into her life, that is Hunan supermodel, Ding Li jewelry quasi daughter-in-law aura, unexpectedly also met successful ex boyfriend Yin Haoran. Fang Sigong for room suffered misfortune and helpless in Party thinking into Tang Huang, become subordinate to the former boyfriend Litang; on the other side, Xiang Nan Cheng a means of giants daughter-in-law battle, side but can never put it down before the feelings, jealous. And Fang after several ups and downs, from Litang see growth and change, think party and Litang this two love finally broke through the misunderstanding and hinder, hand in hand to meet a better future.