Movie follows the lives of various people connected by a love hotel in Kabukicho, Tokyo. Characters include Toru (Shota Sometani), Saya (Atsuko Maeda), the cleaning woman for the love hotel (Kaho Minami), the cleaning woman’s husband (Yutaka Matsushige), music producer (Nao Omori), salaryman (Jun Murakami), prostitute scout (Shugo Oshinari) and the manager of a call girl business (Tomorowo Taguchi).
Toru dreamed of working at a 5 star hotel, but he now works as the manager of the short stay love hotel in Kabukicho, Tokyo. Meanwhile, his girlfriend Saya struggles to become a famous musician. Toru and Saya become bored of living together.
Over one day at this love hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo - where guests have the choice of staying for a short time or overnight - the dreams and desires of these character interect while aspiring for something greater.