Takuma Morishige’s manga series My Neighbor Seki, which is being released by Vertical and had its anime adaptation simulcast by Crunchyroll, is now getting a TV series this summer in Japan. The show is getting an eight episode run in the late night time period where it’ll run for half the 30 minute block while the other half will be doing a live action version of Rumi’s Phenomenon from Katsunori Hara.
While nothing has been announced regarding casting or other involvement, we’re hoping it plays similar to the commercials that you can see below from 2011 regarding the manga.
Original concept: Toshinari Seki takes goofing off to new heights. Every day, on or around his school desk, he masterfully creates his own little worlds of wonder, often hidden to most of his classmates. Unfortunately for Rumi Yokoi, his neighbor at the back of their homeroom, his many games, dioramas, and projects are often way too interesting to ignore, even when they are hurting her grades.