After narrowly escaping an ancient burial ground, a group of friends find themselves trapped between...
After narrowly escaping an ancient burial ground, a group of friends find themselves trapped between two evils, forcing them to fight, die, or go back the way they came.
After narrowly escaping an ancient burial ground, long forgotten and buried underneath the marhes of Cape Cod, a group of friends emerge from the thick, marhy darkness, tattered and bloody, lucky to be alive. They have already lost two of their friends in the marh, presumably dead. They stumble upon an empty Cape Cod vacation house alongside the foggy marh and break in to take shelter. Whatever was in the marh is still after them and soon after one of them goes for help, the rest of the group learn that the evil in the marh is not the only thing that wants them dead. Something wore, something more savage, was lying in wait just outside the marh, in the house. What happen next is unpeakable, horror that cannot be uneen. These unlucky traveler spend their St. Patrick's Day trapped between two evils forcing them to fight, die, or go back the way they came.