Young network fiction writer Zuo Zhanpeng (Mao Yi decorated) accidentally killed in a car crash, his...
Young network fiction writer Zuo Zhanpeng (Mao Yi decorated) accidentally killed in a car crash, his wife Zhang Kexin (Li Yiyi decoration) hardly wished to live. Zhanpeng died, Kexin occurred in various terrorist supernatural events imply Zhanpeng not dead, unexpectedly received Zuo Zhanpeng's Halloween dolls. Think Zhanpeng can Xin experienced difficulty with close friend Shan Shan meet again (Tian Suhao decoration) started the island without a tour, weird doll, horrible zombie, creepy hospital, is the heart of horror. And the husband Zhanpeng's life and death, identity secret honey Shan Shan, the mysterious Halloween doll mystery, one one opened on Halloween Crysis atmosphere......