Clarke struggles to make sene of her bizarre surroundings. The survivor of the Ark face physical and...
Clarke struggles to make sene of her bizarre surroundings. The survivor of the Ark face physical and moral dilemmas. Jaha makes a heroic decision.
Picking up immediately where the previous season finale ended, Clarke and the surviving 48 juvenile exiles (out of the original 100) are alone in their white rooms, frantically trying to make sene of the bizarre surroundings, while the fates of Bellamy, Finn and Raven are still unknown. Outside the lab, Lincoln and Octavia's daring plan to find their friends is thwarted when a lethal enemy return. Meanwhile, Abby, Kane and the few hundred survivor of the Ark must face physical and moral dilemmas in their dangerous and beautiful new world. Alone on the orbiting remain of the Ark, Jaha makes a heroic decision.