drama "Wenchuan story" appropriate every 5.12 the third anniversary of Mao Weining directed by renow...
drama "Wenchuan story" appropriate every 5.12 the third anniversary of Mao Weining directed by renowned director , reflecting the Wenchuan post-quake reconstruction in the television series " Wenchuan story tomorrow night May 12, 2011 will broadcast eight prime time in the CCTV , play the Wenchuan earthquake as the background and the silver fir town of Phoenix Village , Sichuan post-disaster restoration and reconstruction of the main line to the earthquake begins , cut from the fate of ordinary people , by the degree of relaxation of the conflicts , group portrait -style parties assistance through the disaster reflect the people in disaster areas . strong and forge ahead , to rebuild a better home living condition and mental outlook . Born in the famous director Mao Weining in Sichuan will be the end of October to shoot a reflects the drama of the Wenchuan earthquake reconstruction of Wenchuan story , the drama from the screenwriter , the director of the actors are Sichuanese . The theme song will be Li or Zhang Liang Ying to sing . News documentary begins with ...