The second season of the Log Horizon science fiction, action Japanese anime series is the sequel to the first season which aired in 2013, and is based on the novels of the same name written by Mamare Touno. After finding themselves mysteriously trapped inside the Elder Tale game world, Shiroe and his fellow Adventurers have struggled for nearly six months to adjust to their new reality. During this time they managed to restore order to their city of Akihabara as well as defend the People of the Land from the goblin invasion at Zantleaf. However as winter approaches, Shiroe and his friends try to figure out their goals for the future and whether or not they should leave the safety of Akihabara in order to further explore the vast world of Elder Tale.
The anime is produced by Studio Deen and directed by Shinji Ishihira, along with series composition by Toshizo Nemoto, character designs by Tetsuya Kumagai based on the original designs by Kazuhiro Hara, art direction by Masakazu Miyake, sound direction by Shoji Hata and soundtrack music by Yasuharu Takanashi. The season premiered on October 4, 2014 on NHK Educational TV and will run for 25 episodes. The series was picked up by Crunchyroll for online simulcast streaming in North America and other select parts of the world. NHK Enterprise will release the series in Japan on eight Blu-ray and DVD volumes beginning on January 28, 2015. The anime was licensed for a home video release by Sentai Filmworks in North America.