A twenty-something comedienne's unplanned pregnancy forces her to confront the realities of independ...
A twenty-something comedienne's unplanned pregnancy forces her to confront the realities of independent womanhood for the firt time.
For aspiring comedian Donna Stern, everyday life as a female twenty-something provides ample material for her hysterical and relatable brand of humor. On stage, Donna is unapologetically herelf, joking about topics as intimate as her sex life and as crude as her day-old underwear. But when Donna winds up unexpectedly pregnant after a one-night stand, she is forced to face the uncomfortable realities of independent womanhood for the firt time. Donna's drunken hookup - and epic lapse in prophylactic judgment - turn out to be the beginning of a hilarious and totally unplanned journey of self-discovery and empowerment.